Archive for June 1, 2009

One Week In Bullet Points

I’m a little surprised to see that I haven’t written anything in a week. I mentally update my blog all the time so in my mind you’re all caught up but I guess I’ve been a little lazy actually sitting down and writing it all out (and you should probably be thankful for that…considering the way my mind works sometimes). My mom and I talk every week so I was surprised that she didn’t know that Noah had been sick last which was my cue that I had some family updating to do so here you go…

  • Mark was in Tokyo (again) all of last week.  I mention it only because this trip is his last until after the baby comes so yay!  No more single parenting for a couple more months.
  • Like I already mentioned, Noah was sick last week.  Tuesday and Wednesday he had a pretty high fever which he got over apparently only with the help of lots and lots of episodes of Ben 10.  He’s better and now I’m sick…of Ben 10.
  • Noah got over his cold in time for the Dragon Boat Festival on Thursday.  Unfortunately for him, he also managed to pick up some weird stomach bug/food poisoning thing on Thursday instead so we stayed home and missed the races.  Unfortunately for me, this meant that my day totally got crapped on…literally…and several times throughout the day.  Poor little Noah.  He got over it in time to go to school on Friday but after judging my reaction (and horrible gag reflex) to poop-stained clothing (and floors, rugs and bathroom fixtures), I’m now second-guessing my idea to go with cloth diapers for baby #2.
  • And speaking of sickness and Hong Kong…if you’re worried about something like swine flu, post-SARS Hong Kong is actually not a bad place to be to weather out the swine flu pandemic.  They take it very seriously here.  They have temperature checks set up in a lot of children’s playareas, the vast majority of elevators I’ve been in all have plastic covers on the button panel which is then sterilized every few hours, a ton of places put up hand sanitizer and/or face masks at the entrance so you can self-sterilize…it’s a germaphobe’s dream.  One bad thing about it though is if you have a non-contagious (according to the doctor) cough that refuses to go away, you are kind of looked at as a social pariah unless you become very good at suppressing coughs (which really only leads to you sputtering out other weird noises instead).  The other bad thing is that sometimes people can go a little crazy with the overprotectiveness…like the recent news that several hospitals will not be allowing husbands in the delivery room while their wives are going through labor.  Luckily for me, the hospital I’m delivering at hasn’t adopted this policy (yet) but I can’t help but feel bad thinking about all those women who do have to deliver their babies without their husbands there.
  • Besides marking the end of being sequestered with a cranky, poopy Noah for three days and Mark’s return from his last business trip for the summer, Friday was also my last workout with my trainer until I pop this baby out.  Of course, I might’ve been a little overenthusiastic during my workout and I think I re-pulled my bad back/rib muscle but I have a couple months now to just rest and fatten up and I feel better knowing that I made the effort to take care of myself this time around.
  • Finally, I haven’t really been online much lately.  Besides the aforementioned sick child/solo parenting thing I mentioned earlier, Mark had downloaded an old season of Ultimate Fighter on iTunes so I was busy catching up on my mixed martial arts.  And really, there are few activities better than knitting when you’re watching a bunch of guys beating on each other on tv.  I’ve been doing a lot of stashbusting this week because 1) the size of my stash was ridiculous and 2) I couldn’t leave the house to go to the yarn store so here is what five days worth of  knitting looks like:Kelly BagCabled Toque

    Plus, I’ve started on this bag to use up a couple skeins of hemp yarn that I otherwise have no idea what to do with.

And that was my week in bullet points.  Ok?  Ok.

June 1, 2009 at 11:05 pm 5 comments


June 2009